Han Jiang Machinery OUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES PRODUCTION CAPACITY MORE >> 經驗優勢:韓江機械是著名制罐機械品牌,在制罐領域深耕30年。擁有豐富的兩片罐,三片罐制罐機械制造經驗。 Old-brand enterprise in can-making machine for 30 years,with extensive manufacturing experience of 2-piece can, 3-piece cans machinery. 了解更多>> 圖片為阿里巴巴現場錄制試機視頻截圖 韓 江 優 勢 韓江機械成立于1992年,是中國制罐機械行業骨干企業,主要從事金屬包裝制罐機械的研究、開發、生產與銷售,產品涵蓋飲料罐、食品罐、奶粉罐、化工罐等制罐設備生產線。 Established in 1992, CHINA HAN JIANG specializes in the research, development ad manufacturing of can-making machine. With the dedication to quality and innovation on technology, China Hanjiang has become the leading enterprise of can-making machine in China. We design and manufacture production lines for various metal containers, including beverage cans, food cans, milk powder cans and chemical cans. 公司技術力量雄厚,擁有強大的科研和工程團隊,在制罐機械的光、機、電一體化領域有深入研究和豐富經驗。公司的研發中心,瞄準功能齊全、先進、耐用的高端產品,致力于節省材料、人工、節能、環保等方面制罐科技的研發和創新,平均每年有兩項以上的高新技術產品投放市場。 CHINA HAN JIANG has a top-ranking team of talented engineers and technicians, who have years of experience in researching and applying optical, digital, electrical and mechanical technology in can making machines. With the aim to help can making industry on saving energy consumption, manpower and material cost, our R&D team focus on innovation and application of latest technology, presents the market with several new technologies and machines every year. 圖片為中央電視臺致匠心欄目組實拍 了解更多>> 關 于 韓 江 機 械 About us 生產優勢:生產加工規模海內外領先,加工設備全歐美進口。 World leading production and processing scale Advanced processing equipments from Europe and America 研發優勢:兩片罐技術行業領先,兩片罐定制化罐形。 World leading 2-piece can technology Customized shape of 2-piece cans 質量優勢:我們30年前生產的第一臺機器,至今仍在使用。 The first machine we manufactured is still good-working. 設備擁有ISO9001和CE認證 ISO 9001 and CE Certified 售后優勢:全球化及時售后 Globally and Timely After-Sales Service 視頻網址:http://v.ifeng.com/video_7994223.shtml PRODTIONS